Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Bad artists.

I just came from reading a post on Ariane's blog about bad artists. She posted about how she dislikes Norman Rockwell.

She made a couple good points, but she failed to mention that artist THOMAS KINKADE is way worse.

I don't feel much like outlining my reasons for disliking Kinkade's work. I think I will leave you to form your own opinion.


Did I mention you can buy almost all of his work in jigsaw puzzle format?


ariane 9:48 PM  


Luke 9:55 PM  

esther would love you for this

Annie 9:58 PM  

Remember the time we almost bought Esther a Thomas Kinkade puzzle for christmas?

Erica 11:14 PM  

I think the only thing worse than looking at this artwork is having 35 root canals on the same day. The good thing about the root canals is that you at least get novocain.

Would his art be considered Eye rape?

hmm...food for thought?

Kristi 12:28 AM  

But it's so soothing and mystical! Like in Caleb's apartment, you feel like you're in a neighbourhood of tiny candle-lit cottages.

Anonymous 12:49 AM  

Ummm...I'm almost embarrassed to attach my name to this comment. But I kinda' like these pictures. They're sorta' fairytale-ish, although I will admit that his use of so many different colors is a bit much for the eye.

Anonymous 12:57 AM  

i'm ambivalent...i'd never buy them..except maybe in jigsaw puzzle form. But i do agree with Kristi that I would like to go in those buildings and walk the path...which makes me think...in the middle one there are like 8 fires going and it looks like a rather balmy day! weird!

Annie 7:55 AM  

Yeah, I think the thing that bothers me is the impossibility of some of the elements of the pictures. I'm pretty sure the lights in the window of the cottage can't reflect in the water like that if the cottage is way in the background. I mean, come on!

Luke 8:56 AM  

i went to caleb's yesterday. his landlady had a whole whack of these framed in puzzle format. pretty awesome.

Amanda Bast 1:09 PM  

Landlady has 18 pictures and plates. Several are in jigsaw puzzle format, and framed.