Saturday, July 04, 2009

"Annie's Mother's Advice"...

... "Just Weeks Before Her Wedding"

(A list of advice my mother gave to me at my wedding shower last weekend)

1. Be positive.
2. Avoid aspartame.
3. Renew your library books online.
4. Don't bother to iron pajamas.
5. Save money.
6. Be generous.
7. It takes 10 smiles to overcome one frown. Or something like that.
8. Remember Jesus.
9. Soak dirty dishes if you aren't going to wash them right away.
10. Teach your children well.
11. Drink lots of tea.
12. Learn from your mistakes.
13. Eat lots of fresh produce.
14. Remember your heritage.
15. Be honest and fair.
16. Read to be informed and inspired.
17. Use bleach to clean stained teacups. Oh wait - you taught me that one.
18. Learn from others ...
19. Take along a jacket just in case.
20. Sing.
21. Be supportive of your husband.
22. Go organic.
23. Breathe tea tree and eucalyptus oils in steam to fight a cold.
24. Call your mother at least once a week.
25. Plan ahead.
26. A stitch in time saves 9. Really.
27. Treat others as you would have others treat you.
28. Do the right thing.
29. Dance is good exercise.


Anonymous 6:41 PM  

Terrific advice. Your mom is a very wise woman. :)

karis 8:48 PM  

That's so cute!

Maxine 10:36 PM  

I love that list. Especially the last one.

Kristi 6:09 PM  

It would never have occurred to me to iron PJs.

ariane 3:35 PM  

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww cynth.