Getting there...
I am now almost 17 weeks pregnant. The time really does fly by; I'm almost halfway done. In a couple weeks we will have our second ultrasound at which time we will hopefully find out if we're having a boy or a girl. I can't wait to find out, because for me, I can really start preparing for the baby to get here. I don't know how people who wait to find out the sex do it. There are only so many yellow onesies out there, and really, do you want your baby wearing all yellow, all the time? What if they don't look good in yellow? ;)
We have a girl's name picked out and several boy's names in the running. We've decided to keep the names we pick a secret. As I found out almost immediately after announcing the pregnancy, people LOVE to share their opinions with you and for some reason there seems to be an open season attitude on name-criticism until your baby is actually born. So we have decided to spare all would-be criticizers the opportunity to share their opinions (with us, at least...) because after the baby is born I doubt the opinions will be AS open.
I am counting down the days until I don't have to work anymore. I'm due December 7th and I think I'd like to leave work about 2 weeks before my due date to get ready for the baby, spend some time nesting and hopefully SLEEPING in preparation for the busy weeks ahead after the baby is born. I don't mind working but now that I know my days at the office are numbered it's getting harder and harder not to think about leaving. Oh, I forgot to mention that my original due date was December 1st, but after we got the results from the first ultrasound we found I am actually due about a week later. So, December 7th. My dad immediately said, "Oh no! A pearl harbour baby!"
I guess that's it for now... in a couple weeks I think I'll start posting some belly pics, as I've taken a weekly photo since I found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks. I know some people loathe belly photos but you are just going to have to deal with them! I love seeing the progress of a pregnant woman's belly growing ... evidence of one of the greatest miracles on earth. Birth.
(Rhyming intentional)
I can't wait to see the belly pics! Oh, and no worries if your baby is born on December 7th. That's Gary's birthday and he turned out just fine (relatively
Belly pictures are awesome. I just hope that once the belly really starts showing that if people want to touch it, they ask you first.
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