Sunday, August 27, 2006


hmmmm... well, i've been a bit distracted lately, with life... and... whatever. actually, nothing has really been interesting enough to actually distract me... i've just been flat-out lazy. i get in these moods sometimes where i just completely isolate myself from everything... including posting on here... i spent a lot of last week just vegging out around the house reading and watching tv. i'm not exactly sure why... but i was still having a bit of trouble breathing although that's cleared up fairly well by now. i don't really feel back to normal though so i'm probably going to have to go see my doctor... which i hate, because i always kind of feel like an inconvenience.

my parents bought a house... officially.. in woodstock. i'm pretty excited about that. it'll be nice to just get away once in awhile if i need to. i'm particularly excited about the fire pit in the back yard. yep.

right now val (stepsister in case you don't know) is off to see shakira in toronto. shakira! val and i are not alike, really. not at all. but she'll have fun and that's what matters? anyway.

ian tore a bunch of muscles in his leg, around his knee. he was skateboarding in the middle of the night and had a bit of an accident. poor guy. he just mopes around the house with a giant brace on his leg. he had to miss this skateboarding competition yesterday that my friend jordan was a part of... i went, it was a fun time... all those skateboarding guys.... sigh. oh so hot. anyway ian had to miss it and apparently he isn't allowed to skateboard again for 6 months at least.

wellllllllll lately i've been soooo addicted to check it out. it's a bunch of video blogs... basically a blog site but they're all videos. i'm a major people watcher so i find it fascinating, and i could literally browse that site for hours, which would be sad and pathetic, so i have to limit myself. but you should check it out.

ok, i feel like doing something else now..... later


Tennille 1:54 PM  

Ah isolation. When you work in a job that is so directly related to the public, sometimes you need those times of isolation. I too tend to do this once in a while. It's necessary for my own sanity., um, yeah, no comment. But hope she has fun. Poor Ian! 6 months is an eternity in skater world. Oh well, he'll live. :o) pack it with ice? I don't know, personally I've never had a skate boarding injury. :o)

Annie 11:00 PM  

yeah, ian is definitely bummed out.. so bummed out that all he does is lie on the couch with a snarl fixed permanently upon his face...glowering angrily at the world... or he sleeps. he's on a lot of medication right now. by now he's pretty much getting ... irritating. of course he can't be that irritating when he's asleep... but somehow.... he manages it.