Monday, February 23, 2009

I know it's a little early, but...

Something I've noticed about myself is that I am completely affected by the seasons. Like most people, I feel a little down after a few months of wintery darkness, and during the worst of it I tend to hole up in my room and do almost nothing other than read, surf the net and eat. All I eat is comfort food and there is no way I can stick to any sort of plan to eat healthfully when winter is seemingly here to stay. (Some may recognize my insane yearly craving for cinnamon hearts here... seriously, insane)

Once the days start lasting a little longer and we get the occasional thaw, I go into SPRING MODE. Almost immediately I start developing a ton of goals and I start making plans. I sleep a little less each night and I start to feel excited about getting out there and getting stuff done. Even though the weather is -10 right now, the day has been bright and I know winter will eventually be over. It's possible the worst of it has come and gone.

It's so interesting how the weather can affect us so much. During the dreary parts of winter I never seem to be able to recognize that it is just the weather making me feel so unmotivated. I always think I'm in some sort of random funk and I can never figure out why. When the weather starts to warm up and move into spring I begin to realize it wasn't just me, it was the weather.

I'm excited for spring!


Anonymous 10:33 PM  

I'm the exact same way! This winter seems to have gone on for so long already and I've basically eaten my way through it. Not good! lol

thedavestonelimited 12:09 AM  

the winter has its way with me too. it makes me sing for the longest time over and over and over again.

Maxine 10:03 PM  

i'm excited for spring too!

Luke 11:53 PM  

i think we should all hibernate